Print Rules

  1. All cars must meet NHRA tech requirements as per ET Rules. (i.e. Cars running 11.49 require a scatter shield and roll bar also belts as per NHRA rulebook.)
  2. All cars in competition must have a clutch engaged transmission.
  3. The operation of the clutch shall be a direct action of the driver's foot. Approved dampening system will be allowed for non soft lock clutches or clutchless transmissions. No adjustment allowed by driver or crew after the burnout box and therefore must be covered if mounted inside driver's compartment.
  4. All gear changes must be a result from direct action from the driver. Pneumatics, hydraulics shifters prohibited.
  5. Any clutch assisted automatic must be manually shifted.
  6. No timers or delay boxes allowed.
  7. Once the vehicle is in motion, nothing can affect its operation other than the driver. (I.E. no throttle timers, electric shifters)
  8. No vehicle substitutions during eliminations.
  9. All competition ladders will be run as per NHRA Sportsman procedures.
  10. Coin toss for lane choice. Whoever wins toss has the option of changing their mind and choosing the other lane if they so wish, but it must be done before entering the burnout box.
  11. Qualifying will be determined by reaction time. If there is more than one #1 reaction time, the #1 spot will be given to the racer who did it first.
  12. A bounty of $25.00 is awarded to the competitor who defeats the previous race winner. If the racer that has the bounty is not there, the bounty automatically goes on the previous runner up. In the event that both winner and runner up from the previous race are not in attendance, the bounty will be doubled for the next race.
  13. Anybody who is not a member of the B.C. Super Shifter Association will only get 60% pay out rather than 100%. The remaining 40% will be retained by the B.C. Super Shifter Association for the year end fund.
  14. If your vehicle breaks the beams during time trials you do not have an option for reimbursement of your race money as you are now on the ladder. If your vehicle breaks prior to breaking the beams you can receive reimbursement of your race money or take 10 points.
  15. All vehicles are subject to random inspection for illegal electronic equipment. Racers found to be in possession of illegal electronic equipment will lose their points and winnings. They will be banned from racing with the B.C. Super Shifters for the remainder of the race season plus one year.
  16. Pay out at races will be 90% of the racer fees collected per race. 10% will be held back towards the year end fund.
  17. All participants must wear an NHRA legal helmet regardless of ET.
  18. No driver shall go faster ET/MPH than the driver or the car is legal to run by the NHRA rule book.
    1. If a driver goes too fast during qualifying that run will not count as a qualifying run and a verbal warning will be given to the driver.
    2. If a driver goes too fast in eliminations, the driver and car will be disqualified and the win will be given to the other driver in that round. This also includes singles & by runs, a verbal warning will be given to the driver & points from that round will be taken away.
  19. Push starts are allowed in the staging lanes only, not after the burnout box.
  20. To receive points, participants must be a paid member of BC Super Shifters and display sponser decals on both sides of race car or on back window. BC Super Shifters will supply required decals.
  21. All rules are subject to change, the B.C. Super Shifters Association will make every effort to supply advance notice of any rule changes.
  22. Any participant who has any issues with another participant who may have broken any of these rules during qualifying or eliminations, shall NOT complain to anyone other than a Super Shifter Executive. NO EXCEPTIONS! You must voice your concerns to the correct individual, and that is a Super Shifter Executive. Verbally abusing volunteers or other members will NOT be tolerated and may be grounds for disqualification of that race and/or suspension from the B.C. Super Shifters Association.
  23. All cars running with BC Super Shifters 14.99 and faster & 9.30 and faster for 1\8 mile races.
  24. If rain or other occurrences halt racing at any time before the completion of the first round of eliminations, the race will be scrapped and racers will get their money back that was payed to Super Shifters for that day and no points will be given out. If the race is halted after 1st round of eliminations, points will be awarded to the last completed round and pay outs divided among the remaining racers.
  25. You must make a qualifying pass to be put on the ladder for eliminations. (A qualifying pass is staging your car under its own power, leaving when the tree is activated and getting a reaction time). If you do not make a qualifying pass you will not be put on the ladder.
  26. All points are calculated by using the NHRA Sportsman points system in the NHRA rule book.
  27. Each race season any racer collecting points for the year end championship will throw away their 2 worst races. e.g. out of a 12 race series, 10 races count for the year end points. But if the total amount of races is cut down to 9 races because of rainouts, then only one race will get thrown out, and if only 8 races or less are run, then NO races will be thrown out.
    There will be no throw aways for the 2024 season.
  28. Yearly membership fee to collect points & receive full payout is $75.00 CDN. You can also be a member for a day to receive full payout for $20.00 CDN per day. Race fee of $40.00 CDN per day on top of what was paid at the gate has to be paid to BC SUPER SHIFTERS before qualifying starts. These fees are in USD at US race tracks.